Before Operational Stress

Designed by Wayfound

We are an international centre of excellence for timely, person-centred mental health care. Our focus on caring for members of the community and front line personnel make us a trusted name in operational stress injury and mental health support.

For over 21 years, we have been helping people develop the skills they need to thrive. With over 30 clinicians and growing, our team is passionate about delivering the best psychological treatment possible.

Our practice is known as the pre-eminent trauma treatment clinic. Wayfound serves front line personnel in both the US and Canada. We are caring and collaborative in the communities we serve. We remain steadfast in advocating for mental health care for all. We continuously see innovation in mental health delivery.

Before Operational
Stress Program

Be the BOS of Your Mental Health

Front line personnel are exposed to operational stress every day. But the effects of operational stress don’t have to last a lifetime.

BOS is about empowering front line personnel to be in charge of the effects of operational stress, versus the effects of operational stress being in charge of them.

This program has been designed to serve and protect front line personnel as they serve and protect us all.

BOS Training Team

Dr. Megan McElheran

CEO and Clinical Psychologist

My name is Dr. Megan McElheran and I am a clinical psychologist and CEO of Wayfound. For the past 16 years, I have had the privilege to work almost exclusively with front line personnel and have witnessed the devastating psychological effects operational stress can have on those who serve and protect our communities.

I was motivated several years ago to develop the Before Operational Stress (BOS) program out of a desire to provide front line personnel with an intervention that could support greater psychological protection relative to their occupational roles. I am steadfast in my commitment to finding proactive ways to support front line personnel and will continue to disseminate and evaluate BOS to ensure its effectiveness and utility for the members it serves.